Retrieved Computer Document Puts Rice In Middle Of Democratic Party, ACORN Conspiracy

A document obtained from an abandoned Oklahoma City ACORN office computer purports to put Senator Andrew Rice, the new leader of Senate Democrats, in the middle of a conspiracy between ACORN and the Oklahoma Democratic Party to target legislative Republicans and elect Democrats.
The document is a letter on ACORN letterhead with Rice's printed name at the bottom; whether the letter was a draft for Oklahoma Cityan Rice to send, and if it was sent, is not known. The letter urges the Citizenship and Immigration Service to expedite the processing of immigrant citizenship applications. Rice said he didn't write the letter and had no association with ACORN.
ACORN is under investigation in numerous states for alleged illegal activity on behalf of Democrats. Last week, the Census Bureau announced that it would not allow the federally-funded ACORN to participate in the 2010 national population count. Also last week, prosecutors in south Florida arrested 11 ACORN employees on charges of falsifying hundreds of voter applications, including some involving illegal immigrants, during a registration drive last year. And some ACORN employees were fired after telling two undercover videographers posing as a prostitute and her pimp on how to circumvent the law and obtain federal funds. Multiple federal and state investigations of the group are underway.
During the 2008 presidential race, Republican John McCain tried, unsuccessfully, to link Democrat Barack Obama to the group. Since, the link has become clearer. See for details.
ACORN, short for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, started in 1970 in Little Rock, Arkansas to help the poor and today is a national, multimillion-dollar conglomerate. ACORN's political action committee endorsed Obama for president, and his campaign paid an ACORN subsidiary $832,000 to help get out the vote. Obama, himself a former community organizer, has long-standing ties to the group, which he represented in 1995 in a lawsuit against the state of Illinois over the "motor-voter" law.
There's more: Patrick Gaspard, considered one of the most powerful figures in the Obama White House, is a longtime ACORN operative and former union official described by ACORN itself as "ACORN's man in the White House." ACORN's Oklahoma City office was closed and abandoned last year and Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City, obtained a computer from the office. He was able to retrieve numerous documents, including those reported on by radio station KTOK, and this undated document, on ACORN letterhead:
I am writing to request that you take all measures necessary to expedite the processing of immigrant citizen applications, in order to make the dreams of hard working people who contribute much to our communities a reality. Currently, there is a longer than expected waiting period, for the processing of the N-400 citizenship applications.
This past year the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) raised the application fee to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. According to the USCIS the revenue from the fee increase will "enable a 20 percent reduction in average application processing times" One of the application types that the USCIS claims will see a decrease in processing times is the N-400; which it states "will improve from seven months to five months", by the end of 2008. Currently, the stated processing time for the N-400 is 6 to 7 months. Many immigrants are now experiencing a 1 year or more waiting period, as opposed to the seven months claimed by the USCIS.
As you can appreciate, this is a serious obstacle, for these hard working people, on their path to full citizenship. Many come to the United States, in hopes of making a better life for themselves and their families. These hard working people have followed all the rules and have yet to see the fruits of their labors. Instead, they are facing long waiting periods and an endless bureaucracy that is turning the American dream into a nightmare.
I believe citizenship is an important American value and I believe the USCIS should address the problem of the backlog. I further believe that the USCIS should live up to its word and take all measures within its power to make this process more efficient and speedier. We are asking that you support and make the dreams of these eligible persons, so that they may become full participating members of our community, with all the rights and privileges that come with US citizenship. We thank you for your support, on this important issue. Thank You Andrew Rice Oklahoma State Senator
The document is a letter on ACORN letterhead with Rice's printed name at the bottom; whether the letter was a draft for Oklahoma Cityan Rice to send, and if it was sent, is not known. The letter urges the Citizenship and Immigration Service to expedite the processing of immigrant citizenship applications. Rice said he didn't write the letter and had no association with ACORN.
ACORN is under investigation in numerous states for alleged illegal activity on behalf of Democrats. Last week, the Census Bureau announced that it would not allow the federally-funded ACORN to participate in the 2010 national population count. Also last week, prosecutors in south Florida arrested 11 ACORN employees on charges of falsifying hundreds of voter applications, including some involving illegal immigrants, during a registration drive last year. And some ACORN employees were fired after telling two undercover videographers posing as a prostitute and her pimp on how to circumvent the law and obtain federal funds. Multiple federal and state investigations of the group are underway.
During the 2008 presidential race, Republican John McCain tried, unsuccessfully, to link Democrat Barack Obama to the group. Since, the link has become clearer. See for details.
ACORN, short for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, started in 1970 in Little Rock, Arkansas to help the poor and today is a national, multimillion-dollar conglomerate. ACORN's political action committee endorsed Obama for president, and his campaign paid an ACORN subsidiary $832,000 to help get out the vote. Obama, himself a former community organizer, has long-standing ties to the group, which he represented in 1995 in a lawsuit against the state of Illinois over the "motor-voter" law.
There's more: Patrick Gaspard, considered one of the most powerful figures in the Obama White House, is a longtime ACORN operative and former union official described by ACORN itself as "ACORN's man in the White House." ACORN's Oklahoma City office was closed and abandoned last year and Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City, obtained a computer from the office. He was able to retrieve numerous documents, including those reported on by radio station KTOK, and this undated document, on ACORN letterhead:
I am writing to request that you take all measures necessary to expedite the processing of immigrant citizen applications, in order to make the dreams of hard working people who contribute much to our communities a reality. Currently, there is a longer than expected waiting period, for the processing of the N-400 citizenship applications.
This past year the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) raised the application fee to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. According to the USCIS the revenue from the fee increase will "enable a 20 percent reduction in average application processing times" One of the application types that the USCIS claims will see a decrease in processing times is the N-400; which it states "will improve from seven months to five months", by the end of 2008. Currently, the stated processing time for the N-400 is 6 to 7 months. Many immigrants are now experiencing a 1 year or more waiting period, as opposed to the seven months claimed by the USCIS.
As you can appreciate, this is a serious obstacle, for these hard working people, on their path to full citizenship. Many come to the United States, in hopes of making a better life for themselves and their families. These hard working people have followed all the rules and have yet to see the fruits of their labors. Instead, they are facing long waiting periods and an endless bureaucracy that is turning the American dream into a nightmare.
I believe citizenship is an important American value and I believe the USCIS should address the problem of the backlog. I further believe that the USCIS should live up to its word and take all measures within its power to make this process more efficient and speedier. We are asking that you support and make the dreams of these eligible persons, so that they may become full participating members of our community, with all the rights and privileges that come with US citizenship. We thank you for your support, on this important issue. Thank You Andrew Rice Oklahoma State Senator
Labels: ACORN, Andrew Rice, Barack Obama, Mike Reynolds
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