Monday, June 9, 2008

Rice's Claim Phony, Terrill Says

Contrary to his latest claims, State Senator Andrew Rice was not key in the passage of Oklahoma’s immigration reform law, according to the bill’s author and Oklahoma Victory 2008.
In a radio ad titled “Faith,” Rice claims “I helped pass the toughest immigration reform law in the country.”
But Rep. Randy Terrill (R-Moore), author of HB 1804, said, “Senator Rice was not actively involved in the negotiations of HB 1804 nor was he instrumental in the bill’s passage. Furthermore, Senator Rice voted to gut a bill establishing English as the state’s official language, which should give Oklahomans an idea where he really stands on meaningful immigration reform.”
On May 7, 2008, Senator Rice and his Senate Democrat colleagues passed substitute language to Terrill’s English-only bill, thereby sending it back to a conference committee and essentially killing the bill. (
“Rice indeed voted for the final passage of HB 1804, but it’s disingenuous for him to take credit for helping pass the toughest immigration reform law in the country,” said Oklahoma Victory Director Matt Pinnell.
“Senator Rice talks a big game about bipartisanship, but when it comes to the tough issues that Oklahomans feel strongly about, like making English our state's official language, Rice tows the party line.”

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