Friday, January 4, 2008

Andrew Rice Faces Allegations From Democrats; Claim Veteran Donations Went To Gay-Backed PAC

A popular Oklahoma blog for Democrats claims that State Senator Andrew Rice, candidate for his party's nomination for the U. S. Senate, took donations made to help veterans and deposited them into a gay-endorsed political action committee.

The allegation comes from
"Rusty," the administrator of the blog, who writes, "Calvin (Rees, co-administrator of a second blog for Democrats, and I often do not get along well. But Calvin and I generally agree on veteran’s issues. It was Calvin who told me about how Andrew Rice and Keith Smith took money raised for veteran’s families and deposited it in a gay endorsed PAC. Calvin has told his story to other veterans in front of me. Members of the newly formed Democrat Veteran group have been told the truth by Calvin about this issue. I have not released everything I know about this. It is even worse than a good Democrat could expect. It is far better than a good Republican could hope for."
A second poster, "Sally," says she confronted Rice about the allegation: "I asked Andrew about this terrible story and he walked away from me. His silence is deafing. I feel his political career is ruined by his own actions."


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