Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gerhart Mocks Steele Disability

Kris Steele
Al Gerhart's loathing for House Speaker Kris Steele has resulted in Gerhart mocking Steele's physical disability. It's the newest attack by Gerhart, who claims Steele is a "Republican in name only" and isn't conservative enough.

Skye McNiel
Gerhart's latest diatribe against Steele actually came in an attack on Rep. Skye McNiel, who just gave birth to her daughter, named Sami Steele McNiel.

Writing in the Sooner Tea Party newsletter, Gerhart refers to McNiel as "perennially pregnant" and said the birth announcement, coming from Steele's office, was "even more than a little bit creepy, approaching appalling...."

And then Gerhart writes: "The parents named the baby after Speaker Steele...as in Sami Steele McNiel. Did the baby, God forbid, have a bad leg or something? Is she now destined to be shot with a Daisy BB gun by one of her friends resulting in a six figure settlement? Perhaps Speaker Steele might reconsider those caps on legal damages if his namesake might have to walk, uh, hobble in his footsteps."

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