Friday, September 9, 2011

Now, Obama Is The 'Spammer-in-Chief'

From NewsMax ~ In just over an hour, the White House press office (last night) bombarded reporters with 39 e-mails detailing the latest person to sign on to President Barack Obama’s jobs plan. As a result, The Washington Post’s 44 Policy and Politics blog dubbed the president the “spammer-in-chief.”

“The e-mails came within a 1-hour, 5-minute period between 8:32 p.m. and 9:37 p.m. That’s an average of one every minute and 40 seconds,” the blog reported. “In all, Obama spoke 4,132 words in his 32-minute address. The number of words spoken by the various supporters quoted in the e-mails: 7,165.”

The supporters quoted were the usual mix of Democratic senators, members of the House, some CEOs and union leaders.

“The White House probably believed that the e-mail barrage showed overwhelming support for the president’s $447 billion jobs proposal,” the Post said. “But it mostly came off looking desperate to a cynical press corps, most of whom did not quote from the e-mails but rather used comments garnered after the event from more skeptical Republicans.”

The Huffington Post’s Jon Ward said on his Twitter account, “Dear White House, take a page from the RNC. Send me all the people commenting on obama’s plan in 1 email, rather than one at a time,” The Washington Post reported.

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