Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Gadfly:
I'll Drink To That
By Mike McCarville

If anyone had told me 10 years ago that Oklahoma City would, in 2011, be a centerpiece city for national and international water sports events and the home of an NBA team (and a damn good one at that), I likely would have suggested another Martini. I lacked the vision that Lee Alan Smith, Ray Ackerman, Ron Norick and a host of others have demonstrated for so long. Ackerman has been touting the city's call to greatness since the 1960s and Smith has done as much as anyone to better the city. And it was Mayor Norick who embraced MAPs, and what a payoff that has been. The folks at Devon and Chesapeake have used their deep energy pockets to help propel the city forward and I refer to both the developments on the Oklahoma River and the Thunder. To borrow a phrase: You're Doing Fine, Oklahoma (City)!"

And speaking of drinking I am, of course, precluded from same during my recuperation from open heart surgery and the 14 or so meds (I've lost count) I endure each day. Bummer. I long for the smoothness of a Black & Tan.

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