Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's No Dog's Life For These Pampered Pooches

UPDATED: WE'VE GONE TO THE DOGS! A few readers of The McCarville Report Online are known to be avid, devoted dog owners and, we are certain, many more similarly situated are unknown to us.

Here are some of those pampered pooches (and their owners) we know about.

The Speno Family's Sparky & Inky (That's also
Sparky above, wearing his favorite hat)

Scotty Dee's Sue

Connie Johnson's Madeline LaRue DuPree
David Arnett's Bubba Hans

Senator Frank & Linda Simpson’s Rat Terrier Moses

Sydney Daughtery & Dumpster

Cindy Sullivan's Fajita
Michael Clements' Dotty

Neva Hill & Mr. Reagan

Jarred & Jennifer Brejcha's Peyton and Rayford

The Aliff Family's herd; clockwise, Brendle, Lexi (Momma),
Patch and Mitzi. Brendle is Kevin's, Mitzi is Justine's,
Patch is Shelli's and Lexi rules the roost.
(Lexi was rescued from the woods two weeks before giving
birth to a litter of nine pups.)

Malia Bennett's Roscoe The Jack Russell Terrorist
(After destroying a mandolin case!)

Mike Hermes and Obi

Auditor & Inspector Gary Jones and Mary Jane Jones
 with CD (Cow Dog) and Millie

Susie & Brandon Dutcher's Charlie

Jennifer & Ray Carter's Mokie
Rep. John Trebilcock's Ike & Ollie

Eunice Khoury and Moochie

Melvin & Jasmine Moran's Coco
(rescued from a pound)
Reid & Michelle Mullins' Ruby Sue
Mike & Ann McCarville's Shadow
(rescued from the woods)

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