Wednesday, December 15, 2010

McCullough Expresses Obamacare Opposition

Rep. Mark McCullough recently represented Oklahoma at a National Conference of State Legislatures forum, giving voice to the state’s opposition to the new federal health care law.

“This was a great opportunity to serve as the ‘loyal opposition’ on a national stage and give voice to the many concerns Oklahomans have about the new federal health care law,” said McCullough, R-Sapulpa.

The National Conference of State Legislatures serves the legislators and staffs of the nation's 50 states, providing research and technical assistance to policymakers on state issues and advocating for the interests of state governments before Congress and federal agencies.

The recent NCSL panel included representatives from Nebraska, which McCullough noted is taking a “middle of the road” approach to the new health care law, and Vermont, where officials are “going whole hog” in support.

“It was important for opponents of the new law to have a voice on this panel, and I was proud to serve in that role,” McCullough said. “In Oklahoma, we have been in full-fledge revolt against this overreaching federal law. We have passed a Freedom of Health Choice Act, incoming Attorney General Scott Pruitt plans to join the national lawsuit fighting ObamaCare, and state officials recently met with a national health care expert from the conservative Heritage Foundation to discuss additional strategies for resisting and otherwise managing the new law on terms favorable to Oklahoma. Our state is not going to passively sit back and allow our freedom to be taken away.”

McCullough said the panel discussion also included a focus on Medicaid costs, which are expected to skyrocket for states under the new federal law. Some states are considering changing the program to a premium-support model similar to an HMO, while others are even considering opting out of the program entirely.

“Oklahoma’s Medicaid costs are expected to increase by close to a half-billion dollars in the next 10 years under Obamacare,” McCullough noted. “That is the equivalent of creating another Department of Corrections. If we do not get this program under control and repeal the new federal law, it could bankrupt us.”

McCullough currently serves as a Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee on Health Care for NCSL.

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