Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oklahoma GOP Launches 'JariAintMary' Website

The Oklahoma Republican Party has launched a website its chairman says will provide "just the plain facts" about the Democratic nominee for governor, Lt. Governor Jari Askins.

GOP Chairman Matt Pinnell, in an email, said, "Oklahoma Democrat candidates are trying to find a way to win in the reddest state in the country. Their solution has been to hide their true liberal views until after the election. It worked for Governor Henry, and now Jari Askins is trying the same strategy. Hiding your record to deceive Oklahoma voters into believing you are a conservative is wrong, and it’s much more dangerous than the loud and proud liberals on the Coasts. I’ve made it crystal clear that the Oklahoma Republican Party will not allow Democrat candidates to get away with calling themselves conservative. They will have to defend those claims at every turn.

"To help in this fight, we’ve launched You won’t find any disparaging photos, no Obama pics, just the plain facts that when it comes to being a proven conservative leader….Jari ain’t Mary! Please share the site with your friends and family and utilize the 'Print Your Jari Ain’t Mary flyer' feature. Take copies to your club meetings, fair booths, etc. We have a chance on November 2nd to take our state and country back. We can’t do it without you. So please, volunteer, contribute, and get off the sidelines and on to the playing field! Let’s win in 2010!"

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