Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fallin Tops $2,770,000, Takes Fundraising Lead

Congresswoman Mary Fallin, never a slouch in the campaign fundraising department, has now topped all candidates in the race for governor.

Fallin's new Ethics Commission reports shows she has raised $2,770,000. That puts her half a million ahead of Attorney General Drew Edmondson, whose campaign for the Democratic nomination ended with his defeat at the hands of Lt. Governor Jari Askins. Edmondson reported raising $2,720,000, including about $150,000 in the final days of the primary campaign.

Fallin's new report shows she spent $245,503 in the period, putting her total expenses at $1.9 million. She shows more than $800,000 in cash on hand.

Askins reports she's raised $2.2 million, which includes $775,000 in personal loans to her campaign.

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