Monday, July 12, 2010

Palin 'Vetted' Fallin Before Endorsement

Sarah Palin's endorsement of Mary Fallin in the Oklahoma governor's race came only after Fallin was "vetted" by a researcher for Palin's political action committee, The McCarville Report Online has been told.

A source says the process of examining the records of those Palin has endorsed shows the increasing sophistication of Palin's political operation, SarahPAC.

In recent weeks, Palin has endorsed a number of female candidates, including several long-shots who won their primaries after her endorsement. Some of those endorsements were surprises, and came only after Palin was assured by her researcher that the candidates were clear of potential personal or political complications.

The research process apparently is headed by Andrew Davis of Sacramento, California.

Palin's endorsement of Fallin was not so much a surprise as a welcome boost for Fallin's campaign.

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