Pettigrew Faces $200 Fine In Nevada

The Nevada lobbyist registration of former Rep. Wayne Pettigrew, a national officer in the firm InsureNet, has been revoked for failure to file reports on time. He owes a $200 fine, a spokeswoman tells The McCarville Report Online.
Pettigrew, Edmond insurance agent, registered as a lobbyist for InsureNet, a firm bidding in Oklahoma on a contract to handle Governor Henry's new highway traffic "spy" camera system designed to nab insurance scofflaws, for Nevada's 75th Legislative Session as he pushed a similar system in that state.
Sylvia Wiese, executive assistant in administrative operations of the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau, said, "His registration was revoked because, during the 75th Session, he filed his May report 2 days late and failed to file a report for June or a Termination Report. He also has unpaid fines of $200.00 because of the late fees for filing late and failure to file (in) June."
Pettigrew, Edmond insurance agent, registered as a lobbyist for InsureNet, a firm bidding in Oklahoma on a contract to handle Governor Henry's new highway traffic "spy" camera system designed to nab insurance scofflaws, for Nevada's 75th Legislative Session as he pushed a similar system in that state.
Sylvia Wiese, executive assistant in administrative operations of the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau, said, "His registration was revoked because, during the 75th Session, he filed his May report 2 days late and failed to file a report for June or a Termination Report. He also has unpaid fines of $200.00 because of the late fees for filing late and failure to file (in) June."
Hat tip to Kaye Beach.
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