Lisa Billy In USA Today: Law Empowers Women

By Lisa J. Billy In USA Today ~ First things first: Yes, I am unashamedly pro-life. And I am a mother and a proud Chickasaw and Choctaw Native American. I know the real-world problems that too often confront women, especially poor minorities, in our society.
For women facing an unplanned pregnancy, there is often a sense of panic, distress and fear that can lead to hasty decisions.
That is why I authored House Bill 2780, which requires that women be given information obtained from an ultrasound before an abortion is performed.
Many clinics already perform ultrasounds before abortions — something they have acknowledged in legal filings — but women have told me over the past 20 years that they have not had access to that information.
Women should have the choice to see that image. I have personally visited with women who obtained an abortion in a panic and were devastated years later to see a friend's ultrasound and realize: That child is the same age as my baby when ... It is a devastating moment of intense sorrow and regret.
I filed this bill to empower women, no matter what their circumstance, to have as much information as possible before making a life-altering decision.
The new law requires that all women have an ultrasound, be shown the screen, though they can avert their eyes, and that the doctor describe to them what organs and heart activity the screen shows.
Individuals who argue women are too fragile to face the reality of abortion and make an informed decision do not respect women. The image of a baby on an ultrasound provides amazing clarity of thought. What was seen as a closed door suddenly becomes a world of endless possibilities.
Critics say the state should stay out of this issue, but I believe turning a blind eye to women in need is inexcusable, and preventing them from receiving accurate medical information is true cruelty.
It appears the pro-choice movement believes it is a tragedy only if a woman exercises her informed right to not have an abortion, but they have no problem maintaining barriers to informed consent that will leave women emotionally shattered for the rest of their lives once they learn the truth.
Pro-lifers do not fear modern technology. Why is it that pro-choicers can't say the same thing?
Lisa J. Billy, a Republican, is a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
For women facing an unplanned pregnancy, there is often a sense of panic, distress and fear that can lead to hasty decisions.
That is why I authored House Bill 2780, which requires that women be given information obtained from an ultrasound before an abortion is performed.
Many clinics already perform ultrasounds before abortions — something they have acknowledged in legal filings — but women have told me over the past 20 years that they have not had access to that information.
Women should have the choice to see that image. I have personally visited with women who obtained an abortion in a panic and were devastated years later to see a friend's ultrasound and realize: That child is the same age as my baby when ... It is a devastating moment of intense sorrow and regret.
I filed this bill to empower women, no matter what their circumstance, to have as much information as possible before making a life-altering decision.
The new law requires that all women have an ultrasound, be shown the screen, though they can avert their eyes, and that the doctor describe to them what organs and heart activity the screen shows.
Individuals who argue women are too fragile to face the reality of abortion and make an informed decision do not respect women. The image of a baby on an ultrasound provides amazing clarity of thought. What was seen as a closed door suddenly becomes a world of endless possibilities.
Critics say the state should stay out of this issue, but I believe turning a blind eye to women in need is inexcusable, and preventing them from receiving accurate medical information is true cruelty.
It appears the pro-choice movement believes it is a tragedy only if a woman exercises her informed right to not have an abortion, but they have no problem maintaining barriers to informed consent that will leave women emotionally shattered for the rest of their lives once they learn the truth.
Pro-lifers do not fear modern technology. Why is it that pro-choicers can't say the same thing?
Lisa J. Billy, a Republican, is a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
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