Measuring The Oklahoma Blogosphere...

Here's a status report on some Oklahoma blogs and websites for the month of March. The numbers reflect visits for those that allow access to their numbers.
Oklahoma Legislator's Blog - 345
The Otter Limits - 1,504
Okie Campaigns - 1,532
Muskogee Politico - 2,917
Irons In The Fire - 11,080
Dustbury - 14,107
BatesLine - 16,904
The McCarville Report Online - 28,714
Gone Dark (Finito)
Fourth District Democrat
The Oklahoma Report
Gone Dim (No posts for a month or more)
Quibbling Potatoes (We love Steve's sense of humor!)
Oklahoma Political News Service
Oklahoma Legislator's Blog - 345
The Otter Limits - 1,504
Okie Campaigns - 1,532
Muskogee Politico - 2,917
Irons In The Fire - 11,080
Dustbury - 14,107
BatesLine - 16,904
The McCarville Report Online - 28,714
Gone Dark (Finito)
Fourth District Democrat
The Oklahoma Report
Gone Dim (No posts for a month or more)
Quibbling Potatoes (We love Steve's sense of humor!)
Oklahoma Political News Service
Flickering (No posts in a week)
Okie Pundit
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