Controversy Swirls Around Missouri Blogger Arps

Missouri blogger Christopher Arps routinely attacks Oklahoma Republicans from his Florissant location. This week, he's been in the news for printing on his Oklahoma Political News Service an unproven (and refuted) allegation about GOP Senate leader Glenn Coffee from former Democratic Party Chairman Ivan Holmes. Arps routinely posts scathing, unverified attacks that purport to be from anonymous tipsters to his blog. His attacks prompted this retort from the Muskogee Politico's Jamison Faught yesterday: "Oklahoma Political News Service likes to tout themselves as a reputable blog, but most of their material is just political sleaze and unproven smears. Ironically, OKPNS isn't even based in Oklahoma - it's run out of Missouri. Unfortunately for the blogger at OKPNS, he has discredited himself too many times to be taken seriously." Given the attention Arps is getting here, a review of the attention he's gotten in Missouri is appropriate. From The St. Louis American's Political Eye ~ Christopher Arps, a former staffer for former U.S. Senator Jim Talent (never did the word “former” sound so sweet) brags about speaking at (Ward) Connerly’s press conference on his “New Leadership” blog, a forum he routinely uses to bash The American and U.S. Rep. Wm. “Lazy” Clay, as Arps insultingly styles the 1st District congressman from St. Louis.
The EYE wonders where Arps got the gas money to make the trip to K.C. The man is a deadbeat dad, and not just a missed-one-payment type; according to the Missouri Department of Corrections, Christopher Arps of Florissant was convicted of non-support for six out of 12 months in St. Louis County in 2001. According to the Department of Corrections official, Dean Watson, the dude is on active (felony) probation in District 8E (Florissant) until 2011.... Maybe he needs to spend less time on Republican politics and more time on his family. And maybe instead of preaching responsibility, Arps should start practicing it.
From ~ I’m embarrassed to say I knew Christopher Arps, and even more embarrassed to say that I liked him when I first met him in 2001.
Eventually, though, the people who gave him chance after chance to turn his life around — including myself and the patient souls at Talent’s district office — had to show a little tough love. Arps struck back in anger and spite, which I guess shows he wasn’t fit to be much of a father anyway.
...Expect to hear more about this disappointing — but not particularly surprising — case soon. Arps Fined By Missouri Ethics Commission ~ Arps also engendered controversy with his attempted involvement in the National Black Republican Association, and with his attacks on the Missouri news media in a Missouri blog. Arps routinely claims credit for "breaking" stories on the flimsiest of evidence. Among his favorite targets are members of the Oklahoma news media, including the State Capitol Press Corps: "You know for years we’ve enjoyed tweaking the capitol press corps, which is simply the worst group of reporters in the free world." Usually, Arps criticizes them for not picking up his innuendo-driven, factually-challenged anonymous-tipster-based "stories." His favorite targets appear to be Michael McNutt of The Oklahoman and Tim Talley of The Associated Press, both veteran and respected journalists who, unlike Arps, actually know where the Capitol men's rooms are located. Arps has directed special scorn at often-honored, veteran journalist and investigative reporter Nolan Clay of The Oklahoman. Arps alleges Clay conspired with a state official to "smear" a local politician. Those who know Clay find the claim laughable. Arps displays special scorn for those he considers competitors or who won't reprint his irresponsible attacks; he's denigrated The McCarville Report Online six times in recent weeks, attention that borders on obsession. It's a technique he's used on others in the past. What Arps doesn't brag about are his unfounded-stories-that-don't-come-true. Among them: A story that claimed GOP Senator Harry Coates of Seminole was going to switch to the Democratic Party. When it didn't happen, Arps' story mysteriously disappeared from his blog and he hasn't mentioned it since. A source gave TMRO the same "tip," but after checking it out, we dismissed it as untrue. A St. Louis Republican official familiar with Arps soiled reputation says Arps is "a black racist. If you disagree with him and you're white, you're a racist; if you disagree with him, or cross him, and you're black, you're an 'Uncle Tom.'" Arps' pursuit of some sort of personal validation by constantly denigrating others is displayed in virtually everything he posts and if you disagree with him, he pulls out the "racist" label or describes you in sophomoric or insulting terms, as numerous Republicans in Missouri and Oklahoma will attest.
The EYE wonders where Arps got the gas money to make the trip to K.C. The man is a deadbeat dad, and not just a missed-one-payment type; according to the Missouri Department of Corrections, Christopher Arps of Florissant was convicted of non-support for six out of 12 months in St. Louis County in 2001. According to the Department of Corrections official, Dean Watson, the dude is on active (felony) probation in District 8E (Florissant) until 2011.... Maybe he needs to spend less time on Republican politics and more time on his family. And maybe instead of preaching responsibility, Arps should start practicing it.
From ~ I’m embarrassed to say I knew Christopher Arps, and even more embarrassed to say that I liked him when I first met him in 2001.
Eventually, though, the people who gave him chance after chance to turn his life around — including myself and the patient souls at Talent’s district office — had to show a little tough love. Arps struck back in anger and spite, which I guess shows he wasn’t fit to be much of a father anyway.
...Expect to hear more about this disappointing — but not particularly surprising — case soon. Arps Fined By Missouri Ethics Commission ~ Arps also engendered controversy with his attempted involvement in the National Black Republican Association, and with his attacks on the Missouri news media in a Missouri blog. Arps routinely claims credit for "breaking" stories on the flimsiest of evidence. Among his favorite targets are members of the Oklahoma news media, including the State Capitol Press Corps: "You know for years we’ve enjoyed tweaking the capitol press corps, which is simply the worst group of reporters in the free world." Usually, Arps criticizes them for not picking up his innuendo-driven, factually-challenged anonymous-tipster-based "stories." His favorite targets appear to be Michael McNutt of The Oklahoman and Tim Talley of The Associated Press, both veteran and respected journalists who, unlike Arps, actually know where the Capitol men's rooms are located. Arps has directed special scorn at often-honored, veteran journalist and investigative reporter Nolan Clay of The Oklahoman. Arps alleges Clay conspired with a state official to "smear" a local politician. Those who know Clay find the claim laughable. Arps displays special scorn for those he considers competitors or who won't reprint his irresponsible attacks; he's denigrated The McCarville Report Online six times in recent weeks, attention that borders on obsession. It's a technique he's used on others in the past. What Arps doesn't brag about are his unfounded-stories-that-don't-come-true. Among them: A story that claimed GOP Senator Harry Coates of Seminole was going to switch to the Democratic Party. When it didn't happen, Arps' story mysteriously disappeared from his blog and he hasn't mentioned it since. A source gave TMRO the same "tip," but after checking it out, we dismissed it as untrue. A St. Louis Republican official familiar with Arps soiled reputation says Arps is "a black racist. If you disagree with him and you're white, you're a racist; if you disagree with him, or cross him, and you're black, you're an 'Uncle Tom.'" Arps' pursuit of some sort of personal validation by constantly denigrating others is displayed in virtually everything he posts and if you disagree with him, he pulls out the "racist" label or describes you in sophomoric or insulting terms, as numerous Republicans in Missouri and Oklahoma will attest.
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