Some Dummy: Some folks (Democrats and Republicans) view Sarah Palin as a dummy...lightweight...not too bright. Let's make sure I understand this: She vacated a $125,000 per year job as Alaska governor to work a $5 million book contract. Wish I could be that dumb.
The Gadfly On The Wall
Mike McCarville
Snow Storm: There's no way any city in Oklahoma can afford to be prepared to cope with a snowstorm. Investing in multiple scrapers for a once-a-year-event (most years) is not only wasteful, it's poor management. Citizen demand for instant snow removal on every street is unrealistic.
Grandson Colby: Reports from Afghanistan via telephone that he is well. For which we give thanks.Nichols' Dollars: Energy exec Larry Nichols is out with a letter asking for donations of $500 to $4,800 to Mike Thompson's campaign for the Republican nomination for Congress in the 5th District. Nichols is co-chairman of Thompson's campaign.
GungHo For Guns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TC2xTCb_GU&feature=player_embedded. When It Breaks: Computers are wonderful. I say I'm amazed that I can carry under my arm a slender, light device that contains anything I want to know on any subject anywhere in the world. Incredible to a guy who grew up with a manual typewriter. Since getting into the online experience, I've been a customer of America Online. Generally, pleased. Service has been good over the years, with few problems. Recently, AOL instituted some "upgrades" that produced nothing but maddening results for many of us users. More than two weeks ago, we suddenly could not send email to more than one person at a time. Then we couldn't send any email at all. Then we could. Then we couldn't. Off and on this has gone for all this time now and AOL's computerized "help" service hasn't been much help. Seems AOL's servers are the problem and their techs have not been able to resolve the problem. Not reassuring coming from one of the world's largest online service providers. 2009: Can't say I'm unhappy that 2009 is gone. I went from no meds to 11 at one time during the year. Three ER trips (acute bronchitis, kidney stone, heat-induced respiratory distress), two hospitalizations. One emergency run to my doctor's office. I've met more medical specialists this year than in my entire life. I conclude, once again, that our medical care system is in dire need of reform; costs are outrageous and pharmaceutical companies reap massive profits on the backs of patients. That said, Obama's health care proposal is not the answer.
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