The Gadfly On The Wall

Sharpton's Right: Al Sharpton finally has said something with which I agree. His words come to us via the syndicated column of Leonard Pitts Jr., who writes: "The Rev. Al Sharpton came to town last week, part of what he calls a national campaign against the so-caled 'stop snitching' culture within the black community. Speaking at a church rally, he called out those folks who suddenly went blind (following a recent crime). 'You are traitors to our race and denigrating our community,' he said. Amen. This idea that we as black people owe some debt of silence to the corrupters and killers among us who shoot our babies and frighten our mothers and steal our sons is, pardon my French, bassackward, yet somehow, it has taken root in our community." Grocery Sales Tax: Count me as surprised if this initiative goes anywhere this year. Governor Henry likely will (continue to) fight it, saying this is no time to cut taxes. Where have we heard that before? What Goes Up...: President Obama took office with sky-high expectations and approval ratings to match. His approval rating has fallen 16 points in 10 days. No surprise.
Eliminate Fire: I am stunned that the Brady Campaign isn't out with a screed today calling for a ban on fire. That seems logical for them given the news that Oklahoma has one of the highest fire death rates in the nation. Every time there's a story about a gun death, the Brady Campaign calls for a new ban on guns, insisting that such inantimate objects cause death and mayhem. Tain't so, but when did logic mean anything to the gun-grabbers?
Passings: My friend Rick Tasetano passed away this week at age 78. Rick was the meteorologist at KTOK for almost two decades and he was a character. God rest him. Also passing recently was Doris Selfridge, mother of former KTOK morning show host Cam Edwards.
Eliminate Fire: I am stunned that the Brady Campaign isn't out with a screed today calling for a ban on fire. That seems logical for them given the news that Oklahoma has one of the highest fire death rates in the nation. Every time there's a story about a gun death, the Brady Campaign calls for a new ban on guns, insisting that such inantimate objects cause death and mayhem. Tain't so, but when did logic mean anything to the gun-grabbers?
Passings: My friend Rick Tasetano passed away this week at age 78. Rick was the meteorologist at KTOK for almost two decades and he was a character. God rest him. Also passing recently was Doris Selfridge, mother of former KTOK morning show host Cam Edwards.
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