Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Gadfly: Obamadolatry Reaches Crescendo

Obamadolatry: This should be a new dictionary word and definition when new dictionaries are published, one that adequately explains the worship now being showered on the President-elect. The worship Obama now enjoys exceeds anything in memory; from supermarket tabloids to popular magazines to the mainstream media to toy-makers to those per-inquiry television advertising hawkers selling everything from Obama plates to commemorative coins to calendars, Obamadolatry is in full swing.
It's not being treated as the Second Coming, but it's close. "Lincolnesque" is putting it mildly.
Obama is now so high on a perch that if he falls, it will take months to hit bottom, and he has lots of parachutes out there, including members of the media who have said it is their responsibility to make certain he succeeds.
Imagine if someone in the media had said that about George Bush (either one of them), or Ronald Reagan. The derisive laughter would have been heard around the world.
Most everyone wishes Obama well; it is in our nation's best interests that he do well. What is frightening about the Obamadolatry we now witness is that those (particularly those in the media) so firmly committed to his presidency will be loathe to note its shortcomings and will be likely to pounce on his critics.
Thus, we may be about to witness the first Imperial Presidency in the history of the United States of America. ~ Mike McCarville

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