Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palin Rises Above Media Villification

An Analysis
The villification of Sarah Palin by the mainstream media continues unabated.
Some so-called "news" anchors mock her at every opportunity. MSNBC and CNN repeatedly cite polls they claim show she is not helping John McCain in his bid for the White House. The homosexual host of a late night show on MSNBC regularly makes outrageous comments about Palin, often with a smirk on her face.
The dissing of Plain comes in the face of the huge, enthusiastic crowds Palin continues to draw on the campaign trail and despite some earlier missteps, Palin has become an aggressive, articulate advocate of conservative values.
What many in the mainstream media miss is the impact Palin has had on the conservative base which, until her emergence, appeared ready to sit on its collective hands for the rest of the campaign. That is not the case now, as right-to-life, smaller government, pro-gun, less taxes and put-God-back-in-schools conservatives rally to the McCain-Palin ticket. And that occurs not just in Oklahoma.
Reports from some battleground states indicate that while Obama may lead in some, his leads are tenuous and the number of undecided voters has climbed as McCain-Palin commercials begin to pierce the non-stop barrage of Obama commercials.

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