Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Obama's Texas Caucus Win Blunts Clinton Ohio Win

Late-breaking numbers out of Texas’ odd two-phase voting system put an asterisk on Hillary Clinton’s Tuesday night victory speech, showing gains made by Barack Obama in the delegate grab race had all but numerically canceled out her big win in Ohio.
Although Clinton scored major moral — and morale — victories by taking more raw votes in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island, an Associated Press count of the delegates shows Clinton only reduced Obama’s delegates lead by 12 following Tuesday’s voting. She lost in Vermont to Obama.
In the overall race for the nomination, Obama had 1,562 delegates, including separately chosen party and elected officials known as superdelegates. Clinton had 1,461. It takes 2,025 delegates to secure the Democratic nomination.
For the night, Clinton won at least 185 delegates and Obama won at least 173.


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