Oil, Gas Interests Increase Republican Donations

The National Institute on Money In State Politics has analyzed Oklahoma oil and gas interest donations since 2000 and reports Republicans have received the lion's share since 2002.
As the graph shows, Democrats topped Republicans in 2000, but in each election cycle since, Republicans have increased their advantage and in 2006, received more than double the amount given to Democrats.
The "Follow The Money" figures show the following for each election year:
2000: Total $548, 907; Democrats $327,374, Republicans $221,533.
2002: Total $1,847,251; Democrats $804,672, Republicans $1,042,379.
2004: Total $1,700,683; Democrats $581,054, Republicans $1,119,379.
2006: Total $3,298,954; Democrats $1,058,754, Republicans $2,241,299.
As the graph shows, Democrats topped Republicans in 2000, but in each election cycle since, Republicans have increased their advantage and in 2006, received more than double the amount given to Democrats.

2000: Total $548, 907; Democrats $327,374, Republicans $221,533.
2002: Total $1,847,251; Democrats $804,672, Republicans $1,042,379.
2004: Total $1,700,683; Democrats $581,054, Republicans $1,119,379.
2006: Total $3,298,954; Democrats $1,058,754, Republicans $2,241,299.
Labels: Follow The Money, Gas Donations, Oil
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