Bode's Money Plea Has Some Seeing Red

A letter from Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode, asking recipients to help her pay herself back the balance of the $345,174 she put into her losing campaign for the 5th District seat in Congress, has some Republicans seeing red. GOP sources say the campaigns of Ernest Istook and Todd Hiett, in particular, are ticked about the letter because both their campaigns have been cash-strapped and donors will only give so much. "Why couldn't she wait until the general (election) is over?" one frustrated Istook supporter said in an email to The McCarville Report Online. He said he had donated to Bode in the primary and will donate again: "But it ain't gonna be much and it ain't gonna be now," he said, explaining he's given to Istook several times and to other Republican candidates as well. The October 9th Bode letter asks supporters to help unburden her of the debt to herself. shows "candidate self-financing" by Bode totaled $345,174, or 28.8 percent of the total she spent. It shows an outstanding debt of $250,000.
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