Lankford Named Subcommittee Chairman
Congressman James Lankford today was named Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform today.
The subcommittee has legislative jurisdiction over federal information technology and data standards, public information, and procurement reform.
The subcommittee will also oversee the federal Freedom of Information Act and Advisory Committees and the relationship between the federal government, the states and municipalities including oversight of unfunded mandates.
“Congressman Lankford will be an excellent leader in our fight to protect the taxpayers and the job-creating private sector from the waste, fraud, and abuse of their money. We cannot succeed without fundamental changes in how the government buys goods and services and unless we have complete, accurate, and timely data,” said full Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, (R-CA).
“Updating the technology and standards that the government uses to manage its money and track program performance, along with procurement reform, is a key part of our legislative agenda.”
“It is an honor to be asked by Chairman Issa to take on this critical subcommittee and I am ready to address the challenges ahead,” said Lankford. “All too often, the federal government has been wasteful with its resources. We need increased scrutiny to make certain that taxpayer dollars aren’t flying out the window. The status quo that requires states, cities and businesses to bear the financial weight of unfunded federal mandates must also come to an end. It’s time to get our fiscal house in order and I look forward to working with Chairman Issa and other members of the subcommittee as we take these vital first steps forward.”
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