Thursday, April 1, 2010

Coburn Backs Rubio In Florida GOP Senate Race

From Real Clear Politics ~ Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio has received a major endorsement that could help to solidify Rubio's argument that he's the true conservative in the Republican primary. Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, known for holding up legislation he deems fiscally unsound, is throwing his support behind Rubio.
"I proudly endorse Marco Rubio for the U.S. Senate and look forward to working with him in Washington," Coburn said in a statement released by the Rubio campaign. "His genuine principles and proven record are evidence that he will come to Washington and be a consistent advocate for fiscal responsibility, individual liberty and the traditional values that have made America great. I have closely studied Florida's Senate candidates and have no doubt that Marco Rubio is the only fiscal conservative in this race."
This is another blow to Gov. Charlie Crist, the now-former establishment candidate. Earlier this month, NRSC Chairman John Cornyn walked back his endorsement of Crist, stating the committee would not withdraw its initial pronouncement of support but would also not engage in the primary.

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